Momma Talk: Savannah 2 Months Old


Good Morning,

Hope the week is treating you well! It’s been a busy one for us, we leave tomorrow morning for Northern California to visit my hubby’s family, so I’ve been trying to get everything ready for that! It’ll be our first trip as a family of four, and it’s an 8+ hour road trip, so I’m definitely feeling a little anxious 😉 Last Monday {February 1st} our baby girl turned 2 months old (!!!), I just can’t believe how quickly time flies now that we have two kiddos. I’m going to be writing her 1 year post before I know it, eeekkk! Here’s what our sweet girl is up to at 2 months:img_20160201_073515.jpg

Weight: 11lbs 9oz

Length: 22.8″


  • Being able to see me at all times. She is definitely a momma’s girl and I LOVE it! It makes my heart happy to know all she needs is her momma sometimes ❤
  • She loves to sit on my lap and smile/coo at me while I talk to her. She has the sweetest crooked smile it just melts my heart!
  • Being in her swing. We’ve been using the swing a lot more over the last few weeks for her naps and she sleeps SO good in it! It has a mobile, makes sounds and a mirror in it where she can see herself. As soon as as I lay her in it, she smiles and kicks her little feet!
  • Watching Jase play! She loves watching her big brother run around the living room acting silly 🙂


  • Having a dirty diaper. She is such a girl and becomes quite dramatic when her diaper is dirty!
  • Having to wait to eat. Most days I try to time it to where I’ll feed her just before I get started on dinner so we can enjoy our meal without a fussy baby, but sometimes that just doesn’t happen. She is NOT a happy camper when she’s hungry!
  • When my hubby sneezes. It’s seriously the funniest thing! Every time he sneezes she instantly starts to cry a very dramatic cry, silly girl 😉


She’s still nursing like a champ! I’m so relieved and proud of her. Like I mentioned before, Jase was/is not a good eater which has caused it’s fair share of stress, love that our little girl has been awesome at nursing so far! She still nurses about every 2 hours during the day, except for in the afternoon she can go 4 hours. At night she’s doing really well and typically only needs to nurse once!


This little girl loves her sleep! She’s been a rock start at it since day 1 and I couldn’t be happier. We typically put her to bed between 9-10pm and she’ll fall right to sleep without needing any help from me. She then sleeps until about 2-3am and will nurse for about 20-30min, then go right back to sleep until sometime between 5-6am. We’re so lucky to have such a great sleeper this time around!img_20160206_071249.jpg

I just adore our sweet girl and love that we get to see more and more of her personality each day! I can tell she’s going to have the sweetest disposition and will probably be a little more on the quite side like a I am. I’m loving the moments I get when it’s just her and I rocking in the rocking chair for I know it won’t be long before she’s off playing with her big brother!

